Heartsong: Pack Pack Pack


Once upon a time, I wrote a story about a boy and his wolf. And though many bad things happened to the boy and the wolf, they were very brave. The wolf was special because he would one day be king. The boy was special because there was something different about him, something that turned him into a human Alpha when those who’d become his pack needed him the most.

If I’d done this the easy way, this series would look completely different. Either I could have done every single book about Oxnard Matheson and his journey to fulfill his destiny, or I could have switched points of view, but had each book from the perspective of Joe. And then Mark. And then Kelly followed by Carter.

The latter, first: it would have made logistical sense for me to keep the stories about the Bennett Pack coming from an actual Bennett themselves. To see the inner workings of the pack from the perspective of someone who’d lived with them their entire lives would have certainly been easier. But I think there is something fascinating about an outsider’s perspective. Ox thought he was alone. Gordo thought he’d been abandoned. Robbie thinks…well. I can’t tell you what he thinks, at least not yet. And then there’s Carter, who has stood on the outside watching those he loves find their happiness.

Which brings me back to the idea of Ox being the sole narrator. If I’d gone that direction, it would have ended up looking a lot like the journey of Sam of Wilds to becoming Sam of Dragons. Oh, they couldn’t be more different, but they love their family and would do anything to protect them. By the end of his journey, Sam had to make some of the most difficult decisions of his life, and suffered because of his mistakes.

By the time I finished writing Wolfsong, I fully expected the story—no matter who was telling it—to always circle back, somehow, to Ox. And in a way it does. Because Ox—while not the narrator for all four books—has a destiny too, just as Sam did. The biggest question of all, aside from what that destiny is, exactly, is two-fold: what is Ox, and why can he do what he’s done? These answers aren’t easy, but they will come. And for better or worse, he will accept his destiny and do what’s necessary in order to protect his pack. The door in his mind has been opened, and he is the Alpha to the Omegas.

But what I learned while plotting out and writing Ravensong, Heartsong and Brothersong was that the books weren’t necessarily about Ox, though he is the heart and anchor of this world.

They were about three brothers named Joe, Kelly, and Carter.

Imagine my surprise when I came to this realization. It happened in Ravensong, when I began to write about the missing time that Gordo and the brothers spent on the road chasing after the beast. It hit me harder than I expected it too. Here were these three guys, characters I loved, showing me that I needed to change course a bit, to make it about these princes who never wanted to wear a crown. All they ever wanted was each other.

Robbie narrates Heartsong. His story is tough, and I don’t pull any punches in that regard. The only reason I was able to tell the story I did with him is because of the faith I have in him as a character. But even as I was writing his story, and with Ox’s identity and destiny becoming clearer and clearer in the periphery, I was continually drawn to the brothers, knowing what they’d been through and what still lay ahead.

These final two books are the hardest I’ve ever worked on a story before, because in reality, this is one story, cut in two, much like Wolfsong and Ravensong had their own narrative arc. I put everything I had into Heartsong and Brothersong, knowing I needed to give these two tales the ending my pack deserves. I’ve spent the better part of six years running with my wolves and their ridiculously wonderful humans. And though all might not make it until the end, they will do so knowing they’re fighting for those they love, for the people they care for above all others.

One week from today, finally, finally, finally, I’ll invite you back to Green Creek to witness the beginning of the end.

Wolfsong and Ravensong were the warm ups.

It has all been leading to this.

On October 22, 2019, we’ll once again run with wolves.

Heartsong Pre-Order:
*Note: the paperback will be published by Amazon. They do not allow preorders of paperbacks when you use them as a publisher. I will post it a few days early so people can order it in time.
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Comments from old website:

Ok so now I’m crying and I haven’t read a damn sentence of the book. The waiting is excruciating.

What sorcery is this that you have me mentally screaming at my loudest setting, and you haven’t even revealed anything!!! OMGGGGG. September, please be here today!!!

Lisa Hughes
I'm stocking up on Klunnex! I'm so excited for this book, I can't even.

Dude. This sounds amazing, but painful !!! O.o Super dark is not where I though a Robbie and Kelly story would go, but OF COURSE that's how it turned out.
You're awesome. I love your books, and your stories, and your characters, and your blogs, but I'm not sure I love all this GODDAMN TEASING !!!
Alright, who am I kidding, I'll take any tidbit you're willing to share ! ;) ;)

Csilla Molnar
I can't wait for this book!!!

There is one thing I always expect when I open a TJ Klune book...the unexpected. Can't wait to see where Heartsong takes the Green Creek gang.

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.


Now available: Heartsong (Green Greek Volume 3)


Green Creek Has Returned!