Questions and Answers Regarding Republishing My Books


I’m getting questions that are starting to repeat themselves, so I’m going to try and answer a few of them here so that I can point everyone in one direction.

First things first: Heartsong is up for preorder at Amazon for 5.99 (and available at all Amazon sites worldwide). This is the ebook only for now, and only at Amazon. Other locations to come soon.

Please support this book, and let’s show my former publisher why it’s important to pay their authors.

All other locations Ebook

All other locations Ebook

All other locations Ebook


Q: You got your rights back, yay! That means you’ve been paid, right?

A: No. I still have not been paid my full royalties from Dreamspinner Press. They paid me 12.8% of what I’m owed, which, ironically, allowed me to be able to get an attorney to pursue the rest. So, thanks Dreamspinner!

Q: I already preordered Heartsong with Dreamspinner at their site or somewhere else. Will I still get the book?

A: No. Every preorder before today (Sept 16 2019) will not go through. You need to cancel it to get refunded and then reorder it. I know it sucks, but I can’t do much about that.

Q: I noticed the paperbacks are still up for sale most everywhere, both the mass market and trade paperbacks. Can I buy those?

A: No. Those are still affiliated with Dreamspinner and will be coming down. I was told it takes up to thirty days for the listing to come down, so it will take time. Once it does, I will post my own paperbacks. It might be a pain the ass, but scroll down to the book info. You know you’re buying the right version if it’s for sale by BOATK Books. Anything else is not mine, and will be taken down shortly.

Q: Will it and your other books be available anywhere else aside from Amazon?

A: Yes, somewhat. The Green Creek series, past and future, will be available at most sellers once I get everything up and going. However, to make this transition easier, I’m considering putting many of my older titles on Kindle Unlimited to give myself some room to breathe. I think it’ll be for a limited time, but trying to republish 20+ books at different sites is too much for me to handle at the moment.

Q: Is the audio still coming out?

A: Yes, it will be released by Tantor on December 3rd. Yes, I am aware Tantor made their own cover for the audio, and it’s terrible, but I have no say in it.

Q: Will Brothersong be released in audio?

A: Yes, but that’s still a ways away. Brothersong isn’t set to come out until next August.

Q: Are there going to be any differences in the books you republish? Are the covers going to change?

A: All the books will essentially be the exact same. The only thing I’m doing with some of my older titles is changing some of the wording. I always hated how I used the word “retarded” in Bear, Otter and the Kid, and that has now been changed. In addition, some of the earlier books used the word “transgendered” when it should have just been “transgender.” Those have been updated as well. The plots, however, won’t change, so you don’t have to rebuy the books if you already own them.

As far as the covers are concerned, all but three of my books will retain the same covers. The ones that will be changed are, unfortunately, Into This River I Drown, Withered+Sere and Crisped+Sere. The covers use photographs by the wonderfully talented Kyle Thompson, and I can’t afford to purchase the rights to the photos on my own at this point. They will be updated with new covers.

Q: Are you going to republish every book?

A: All but one, potentially. I am thinking, possibly, of leaving Burn down. I will not be continuing that series, and I don’t want to get people’s hopes up. There will be no sequel.

Q: Are Olive Juice, Until You, or John & Jackie going to be released in paperback?

A: No. They are novellas, and the cost of printing wouldn’t be worth it to put out. They will be in ebook format only.

Q: I sent you a DM about this, but you haven’t responded. What’s up with that?

A: I wish I could answer every DM I’ve gotten in the recent weeks, but I can’t. My FB messenger inbox is filled with hundreds of messages, and I’m trying to stay on top of republishing my books. If something needs immediate attention and isn’t answered here, please email me at and I’ll get to it…hopefully.

Q: Are you happier now?

A: Yes. There is a lot of work ahead, but I’m committed to doing right by my books and myself. I have earned this much, at least.

Q: Does this affect the upcoming The House in the Cerulean Sea or The Extraordinaries?

A: No. Those books are with my new publisher, Tor. They have absolutely nothing to do with Dreamspinner. Thank god.

And that’s it for now! If anything else comes up, I’ll try and answer it, but I ask that you read through this first before asking questions in case it can be answered here. I’m spinning lots of plates right now, and I can’t promise I’ll see every question asked. I ask for your patience while I get all this going.




Comments from the old website:

Are your future releases going to be available for libraries to purchase from OverDrive for digital collections? Thanks!

TJ, I would dearly love to be able to purchase Burn, even understanding that the series will not continue. Currently, paperback copies are going for $80-90 USD, of which you will see $0 of course. This is not a suggestion nor a request, just a hope that you will make it available for purchase again.
Congratulations on the strides you've taken to free yourself from a bad situation with DSP and on your inevitable success with your upcoming Tor releases. And thank you forever for sharing your stories.

Yvonne Nickson
Hi, are you going to publish Lovesong as a novelette? I loved it and would like to add it to the others.

If I purchased books from dreamspinner will they disappear from my orders? Will I never be able to download them again without having to pay again?

I’m so glad you addressed the “R” word in BOTK. I’m relistening to the series now (which I do whenever I’m feeling suuuuper angsty) and it’s always made me uncomfortable to hear it. I know you’ll probably not update the audio, but just knowing it’s fixed in print will do a lot for my listening pleasure!

What about the audio book for Why We Fight?

Thea Belle
Hi TJ. I'm really glad that you are managing to get shit done! Good for you.
But, I've just gone to Amazon UK (and US) to place my pre-order and both are still showing the original pub date and paperbacks with your previous publisher. I know I'm quick off the mark (and maybe a tad impatient!) but I just wanted to make sure that you were aware as I'm firm in supporting you with this and jumped into action as soon as I saw your notification on Goodreads.
PS Wolfsong broke my heart and put it back together again over and over. Ox will forever be one of (if not the) most beautiful character I've ever read about or watched on screen.
And as for Olive Juice - as a WOC, I can't tell you how much it meant for someone to bring that particular issue into the minds of many who would otherwise be unaware. So a HUGE thank you for that one.

Lyndsay Coats
Thank you Tj for all of your work to get your rights and books to where/whom they belong. I'm really happy for you. Also, as a mother of a child with Down syndrome, thank you for removing the "R" word. It means a lot to our community.

TJ Fox

I'm sure you already know this, but just in case... there are places out there where you only have to get your files to them and they will distribute across all the platforms you choose. Draft2Digital and IngramSpark are two examples. Those allow you to just do one thing and you are done, your book gets pushed to all the platforms. D2D is a free service (though they take a small percentage of sales), don't know the details on IS.
Going to add Heartsong to my preorder now. Glad you are moving forward and getting out of this mess.

I'm so happy you're able to re-publish your books, I love them!
You mentioned changing some word usage, which I think is so awesome that you're going to take this opportunity to do - thank you for that. In Tales From Verania, there is usage of a word for Romani people. Will that be changed?

I’m not sure how deep you are into the Amazon republishing so this may be info you already know.
You can keep your original ASIN number with Amazon and your reviews will transfer over to the republished book. No broken links for books from old reviews.
Some great tips:

Hi! I’m so happy for you! I love that you are republishing everything ❤️❤️❤️
I have a question though... when you say that the ebook will be available in other locations, you mean in other formats as well? (Epub?)
Thank you!!!

Mapa Barragan

Brand Strategist
During the past 10+ years, Mapa has worked with companies across the globe to launch new brands, products & services.

She only partners with companies that are building a better, healthier, more conscious and sustainable future. Mapa founded Quaandry, a Design & Branding Agency, to help companies create powerful strategies, meaningful experiences, compelling branding and memorable designs.

Wolfsong Has Been Republished!


Update on the Dreamspinner Issue Sept 13 2019